Hello people and oh! lets i forget, Happy New Year guys (hope its not too late). Its still February anyway so the year is pretty fresh and promising...
Recently, i listened and downloaded a free version of Cobhams "Ordinary People"... after the first time i listened to it, if i'm not exaggerating i'm sure i listened to it another 150times *coversface. I'm totally in love and sold to the song infact it brings tears to my eyes every other time i listen to it.
This song brought a lot of thoughts to my mind. I finally concluded and also asked myself, "do we really Live", "is there any Ordinary person or would anyone want to be just an Ordinary person?"
If i can flash back to my life as a girl, a lot of things, situations, friends and most especially Television shaped my thought process. These elements have directly and indirectly affected my perception of life, how it should be and how i want it. It's sad at the end of the day when i realize i'm actually living according to the precepts as determined by the media, family and friends.
Every parent wants their children to grow up to become "lawyers, doctors, senators etc, every friend wants to be friends with the "happening guy, big girl, "Frosh guys and avoid the smellos" like we say. With all these expectations many of us have stopped living and living life the way God wants us to. Forgetting the Talents and Passions embedded in each and everyone of by God are different and our make up and differences make Us Unique. Who dare say you're not beautiful when God says "you're fearfully and wonderfully made". Smile if you feel like, dance if you're in the mood, eat, stay healthy, read, go a trip, try out an interest, meet people, be yourself..... never forget to Live.
Whats wrong with being different, unique and just ordinary. Mind you, being ordinary doesn't make you a mediocre or a nonentity. Like i said earlier, the different make-up of people make them stand out and unique. Living life is the only measure that can make us realize who we are and what and where our interests lie. Lets find our passion by Living, lets make a difference in the society by simply living. It wouldn't cost much by Living and just being ourselves rather it would end up affecting Life positively. There was a Purpose for your creation and God has given Life just so you can find it.... you only have to Live Life to Find this purpose.